Ways To Not Waste Your Time Blogging
Are you ecstatic about your home business? Your passion may be there, but
obstacles you run into don't help. If this is you and you're looking for more
answers, the Click Here. Thanks for visiting! inShare14 6 OK, you started a
home business and you’ve been told Blogging is a great strategy to leverage in
order to grow it. You start a wordpress.com blog and you’re excited because
you’re about to do things that some successful entrepreneurs are doing to build
a successful home business. As nervous as you may be, you build up enough gusto
to write and publish your first blog post. And on top of that, you promote it
to a couple of groups and social media sites that you’re a member of. But lo
and behold, after a day, you’ve gotten very little to no traffic! And the only
comment that you’ve gotten was from your favorite cousin who was the least bit
interested in your topic, but only commented to support you. So you publish
another blog post, and then another, but yet you had similar results each time.
So what crosses your mind? You think about quitting because you’re not getting
instant results. But hold it there! Before you do anything, I like for you to
read this post! There are a few things that you can modify that will improve
your results. Keep in mind that blogging is a great way to brand yourself so
that you can attract an engaged following. So with that said, lets get into how
you can stop wasting your time blogging by making your posts valuable and
attractive to your specific audience ! Wasting Your Time Blogging Blogging
concept “Successful blogging is not about one time hits. It’s about building a
loyal following over time.” ~ ....TO BE CONTINUED

a blog
Growing a blog is a tough task. A blog, however, will ‘gather cobwebs and dust’ in the
absence of a number of things, including content.
No blog owner thinks of revenue from his
or her blog if there is no retention or addition of readers. Revenue is
secondary and only a natural process that comes after a blog has
established a good presence.
As highlighted last week, the best idea
is to blog about a subject that one is passionate about or has a
specialty in. A housekeeper or even a hotel porter, for example, can
choose to start a blog about life in an hotel, using an anonymous
is like a commercial sex worker choosing to blog on sex. Curiously,
there are a number of such blogs by individuals around the world. It
could also be a nursing mother writing about parenting on her blog. She
can choose to chronicle her everyday life on the blog.
Most times, blogging is a pastime and
not a full time vocation. It means a blogger will have to make out time
to write content that will resonate well with the readers. A blogger
needs to know how to write about a popular issue from a curious
The recent and unfortunate Hajj stampede
is an example. A blogger that is focused on politics, for instance, may
choose to write about the grandstanding between Iran and Saudi Arabia,
following the sad event and throw in a bit about international
Bloggers writing about life and living
may choose to focus on educating readers on how Muslims perform funeral
rites. The above has a better chance of generating traffic than the
usual copy- and-paste approach that has become irritatingly the norm. It
is ultimately about saying something new and interesting. Content like
this will be a fresh departure from the routine stories. It can also be
about putting up a post with helpful tips. A city-focused blog may
choose to highlight top restaurants in the city.
Title : Growing your blog
Description : OBASANJO ADEOSUN 9 Ways To Not Waste Your Time Blogging WELCOME TO MY BLOG!. Are you ecstatic about your home business? Your passion...