With so many pot smokers wanting the legal right to use
cannabis as a recreational drug, we’ve lost sight of why it became legal
medicinally in the first place. While in most cases, cancer patients
have used the drug as a painkiller or for its calming effect, countries
like Israel have even introduced marijuana rooms in some hospitals.
Finally, the U.S. is in lockstep with some of the most recent research
on how marijuana can fight cancer.
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), tests on mice and
rats confirm that cannabis kills cancer cells. The National Cancer
Institute is an integral part of the U.S Department of Health, so
essentially, the government is now telling the public that cannabis has
cancer-killing properties.
On their website,
NCI says:
“Laboratory and animal studies have shown that
cannabinoids (the active ingredient in cannabis) may be able to kill
cancer cells while protecting normal cells. They may inhibit tumour
growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the
development of blood vessels needed by tumours to grow.”
Not only is the NCI saying that marijuana can help with chemotherapy,
tests on rodents have also found that cannabinoids may reduce the risk
of colon, liver and breast cancer.
Despite what seems like a monumental breakthrough, the U.S Department
of Health warns that in humans, there is no definitive evidence showing
that inhaling or ingesting cannabis can cure cancer or even help with
cancer-related symptoms and side effects. They also warn of fraudsters
trying to sell cannabis-based cancer-cures.
If you think all this sounds contradictory, you’re not alone.
Title : U.S. Department of Health Finally Admits that Cannabis Kills Cancer
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